Thursday, January 13, 2011

Let us teach our children how to learn......

Once children learn how to learn, nothing is going to narrow their mind. The purpose of education  is to replace an empty mind with an open one. As citizens of Uganda, let us teach our children how to learn....

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Are our children learning?

UWEZO is back to our community. What do you remember about UWEZO? Anything new to share?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Happy New Year!

Uwezo Uganda wishes you all a Happy Newyear! It is a time when we need to take action as citizens to engage in the learning of our children because they are our future. As we wait for our Primary leaving Examination results,let us dwell on this fact.

In April 2010,Uganda's biggest Civil society led assessment was conducted and up to 85% of all children sampled in the 27 district surveyed across the country could solve atleast two numerical written division sums of P2 level difficulty correctly and about three quarters (72%) of all the class children sampled in the 27districts surveyed across the country could read and understand a 'story ' text of  P2 level difficulty.Where as 28% could not.

 Parents, volunteers, teachers, community leaders, and friends of learning were called upon to engage in the learning of our children.

 Village meetings were held to discuss the initiative,  children were assessed,  schools were visited to discuss with the teachers about learning issues.The tests given to the children were an eye opener to all citizens on the learning levels of our children.

Our Primary Leaving Exams are just around the corner,let us wait and see if our children did really learn.

Lets us take ACTION and build the Nation as citizens by engaging in the learning of our children.Educating a child is an honour to the Nation,commnunity,village,Family and your child.

Happy 2011.